“Het Poortgebouw” is the name of an extraordinary 19th century building, a national monument in Rotterdam’s Kop van Zuid district located on the south bank of the river Maas.
Thanks for Mr. Ikke for more great poort gig videos! Also check out more kicking punk stuff from “Alive and Kick’n TubeCrisis Recordings ” Jan 21, 2008 Mar 29, 2011
Slechts drie dagen van tevoren ontving ik een mailtje met daarin de aankondiging van deze show. Worm- op- locatie boekte last minute twee postrock groepen in het Poortgebouw onder de noemer ‘Textuur’.
The UNESCO document “Historic Districts for All“ is further described in this PDF Find more information about the corresponding UNESCO department Social and Human Sciences HERE.
The European Parliament will be the venue for the first European States general for the right to housing hosted by the European United left on upcoming November 5-6. The Vereniging Poortgebouw has been invited to participate.